Amir Campbell
Amir Campbell, also known as Amiracle, is a Multi-Faceted creative. Currently, he is an MFA Candidate. His work revolves around displaced identity and unity, through the lens of integration and assimilation into American Culture as an African American. His work reflects the juxtaposition of these two anomalies merging into one. He is an abstract expressionistic portraiture artist.
Through his work, he communicates and forms relationships with his audience. Amiracle uses his subject matter to advance the opportunity to introduce them to the world of artistic expression, asemic language and explain his views of systems behind societal norms. This effort is embedded with a sincere hope to reach all who can connect with the notion of not being reminded one is in a body. His ultimate vision is to blend the worlds of fine art with the world of street art. He aims to be the visual voice of current cultural conditions through the dichotomy of loving through oppressive conditions.