August 4 – 9, 2024 | Newark, Delaware, USA

The Aeroecology Program at the University of Delaware will be holding the 4th International Radar Aeroecology Conference and Workshop in Newark, Delaware, USA.

The workshop takes place on 4-7 August 2024 and is a 4-day long immersive training in the use of weather surveillance radar data for applications in aeroecology. We will cover basics of radar remote sensing, data visualization, and data processing including hands-on software training. There will be field trips to visit Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge and a NEXRAD radar station. At the end of the workshop, trainees will compete in the highly-entertaining trivia game event of Radar Jeopardy! Graduate students and early career professionals are encouraged to participate. Travel awards within the USA are available for up to 10 trainees to cover airfare and hotel expenses. The workshop is limited to 30 trainees.

The conference takes place on 8-9 August 2023 and is a full 2-day event with plenary presentations, a poster session, and possibilities for informal discussions and networking.

Key Dates

June 30: Deadline for conference registration

May 24: Deadline for poster and presentation abstracts

April 1: Deadline for workshop travel award application

May 1: Deadline for workshop application