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Guo, F. J. J. Buler, J. A. Smolinsky, D. S. Wilcove. 2024. Seasonal patterns and protections status of stopover hotspots for migratory landbirds in the eastern United States. Current Biology 34: 235-244.e3
Horton, K. G., J. J. Buler, S. J. Anderson, C. S. Burt, A. Collins, A. Dokter, F. Guo, D. Sheldon, M. Tomaszewska, G. Henebry. 2023. Artificial light at night is a top predictor of bird migration stopover density. Nature Communications 14:7446.
Liu, B, K. Kemink, M. Sieges, J. Smolinsky, D. Varner, J. J. Buler. 2023. Relating weather radar data to migrating waterfowl abundance in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska. Journal of Wildlife Management e22404.
Guo, F. J. J. Buler, J. A. Smolinsky, D. S. Wilcove. 2023. Autumn stopover hotspots and multi-scale habitat associations of migratory landbirds in the eastern United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120: e2203511120.
Rogers, R., J. J. Buler, T. Clancy, H. Campbell. 2022. Repurposing open-source data from weather radars to reduce the costs of aerial waterbird surveys. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3, e12148.
Cohen, E. B., J. J. Buler (co-first author), K. G. Horton, S. R. Loss, S. Cabrera-Cruz, J. Smolinsky, P. P. Marra. 2022. Using weather radar to help minimize wind energy impacts on nocturnally migrating birds. Conservation Letters. 00e12887.
Schekler, I., J. A. Smolinsky, D. Troupin, J. J. Buler, N. Sapir. 2022. Bird migration at the edge – geographic and anthropogenic factors but not habitat properties drive season-specific spatial stopover distributions near wide ecological barriers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.
Clipp, H.L., J.J. Buler, J.A. Smolinsky, K.G. Horton, A. Farnsworth, E.B. Cohen 2021. Winds aloft over three water bodies influence spring stopover distributions of migrating birds along the Gulf of Mexico coast. Ornithology
Acosta, S., T. Kelman, S. Feirer, E. Matchett, J.A. Smolinsky, M. Pitesky, J.J. Buler. 2021. Using the California Waterfowl Tracker to Assess Proximity of Waterfowl to Commercial Poultry in the Central Valley of California. Avian Diseases 65 (3), 483-492
Cabrera-Cruz, S.A., R.P. Larkin, M.E. Gimpel, J.G. Gruber, T.J. Zenzal Jr, J.J. Buler. 2021. Potential effect of low-rise, downcast artificial lights on nocturnally migrating land birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology 61 (3), 1216-1236 1
Shriver, W.G., Z.S. Ladin, J.J. Buler, V. D’Amico 2021. Non-native shrubs and calcium availability are important for birds breeding in urban forests. Urban Ecosystems 24 (3), 429-440
Zenzal Jr, T.J., M.P. Ward, R.H. Diehl, J.J. Buler, J.A. Smolinsky, J.L. Deppe, R.T. Bolus, A. Celis‐Murillo, F.R. Moore. 2021. Retreat, detour or advance? Understanding the movements of birds confronting the Gulf of Mexico. Oikos 130 (5), 739-752 1
Cabrera-Cruz, S.A., R.P. Larkin, M.E. Gimpel, J.G. Gruber, J.J. Buler. 2021. Do ground-based, downward-facing artificial lights affect the flight behavior of nocturnally migrating birds? INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY 61, E106-E107
Cohen, E.B., K.G. Horton, P.P. Marra, H.L. Clipp, A. Farnsworth, J.A. Smolinsky, D. Sheldon, J.J. Buler. 2021. A place to land: spatiotemporal drivers of stopover habitat use by migrating birds. Ecology Letters 24 (1), 38-49 11 2021
McCuen, M.M., M.E. Pitesky, J.J. Buler, S. Acosta, A.H. Wilcox, R.F. Bond, S.L. Díaz‐Muñoz. 2021. A comparison of amplification methods to detect Avian Influenza viruses in California wetlands targeted via remote sensing of waterfowl. Transboundary and emerging diseases 68 (1), 98-109 3
Clipp, H.L., E.B. Cohen, J.A. Smolinsky, K.G. Horton, A. Farnsworth, J.J. Buler. 2020. Broad-scale weather patterns encountered during flight influence landbird stopover distributions. Remote Sensing 12 (3), 565 8
Cabrera-Cruz, S.A., E.B. Cohen, J.A. Smolinksy, J.J. Buler. 2020. Artificial light at night is related to broad-scale stopover distributions of nocturnally migrating landbirds along the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Remote Sensing 12 (3), 395
Cabrera-Cruz, S.A., J. Smolinsky, K. McCarthy, J. Buler. 2019. Urban areas affect flight altitudes of nocturnally migrating birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 00: 1– 15.
Rogers, R. M., J. J. Buler, C. E. Wainwright, and H. A. Campbell. 2019. Opportunities and challenges in using weather radar for detecting and monitoring flying animals in the Southern Hemisphere. Austral Ecology.
Becciu P., D. Reynolds, M. Ciach, A. Aurbach, L. B. Pettersson, G. M. Arroyo, M. Menz, S. A. Cabrera-Cruz, J. Buler, S. Bauer, I. Maggini, M. Scacco, C. Wainwright, N. Sapir. 2019. Environmental effects on flying migrants revealed by radar. Ecography.
Horton, K. G., B. Van Doren, F. La Sorte, E. Cohen,, H. Clipp, J. Buler, J. Kelly, A. Farnsworth. 2019. Holding steady: little change in intensity or timing of bird migration over the Gulf of Mexico. Global
Change Biology. 25:1106-1118.
Cabrera-Cruz, S. A., J. A. Smolinsky, J. J. Buler. 2018. Light pollution is brightest during the migratory phase of the annual cycle for nocturnally migrating birds around the world. Scientific Reports 8:3261.
McLaren, J. D., J. J. Buler (co-first author), T. Schreckengost, J. A. Smolinsky, M. Boone, E. E. van Loon, D. K. Dawson, E. L. Walters. 2018. Artificial light confounds broad-scale habitat use by migrating
birds. Ecology Letters 21:356-364.
Zenzal, T. J., Smith, R. J., D. N. Ewert, R. H. Diehl, and J. J. Buler. 2018. Fine-scale heterogeneity drives forest use by spring migrant landbirds across a broad, contiguous forest matrix. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 120:166-184.
Buler, J. J., W. Barrow Jr., M. Boone, D. K. Dawson, R. H. Diehl, F. Moore, L. Randall, T. Schreckengost, J. Smolinksky. 2017. Linking Animals Aloft with the Terrestrial Landscape. pp 347-378 in: Chilson P.,
Frick W., Kelly J., Liechti F. (eds) Aeroecology. Springer, Cham.
Buler J. J., R. J. Lyon*, J. A. Smolinsky, T. J. Zenzal, and F.R. Moore. 2017. Body mass and wing shape explain variability in broad-scale bird species distributions along an ecological barrier during migratory stopover. Oecologia 185:205-212.
La Sorte, F., D. Fink, J. J. Buler, A. Farnsworth, and S. Cabrera-Cruz. 2017. Seasonal associations with urban light pollution for nocturnally migrating bird populations. Global Change Biology 23:4609-4619.
Cohen, E. B., W. C. Barrow, Jr., J. J. Buler, J. L. Deppe, A. Farnsworth, P. P. Marra, S. R. McWilliams, D. W. Mehlman, R. R. Wilson, M. S. Woodrey, and F. R. Moore. 2017. Understanding how en route events around the Gulf of Mexico impact intercontinental migratory landbird populations. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119(2):327-343. Here’s some media about the paper!
Archibald, K. M., J. J. Buler, J. A. Smolinsky, and R. J. Smith. 2017. Migrating birds reorient toward land at dawn over the Great Lakes, USA. The Auk 134 (1): 193-201. Featured in 9 media outlets!
Adalsteinsson, S. A, V. D’Amico, W. G. Shriver, D. Brisson, and J. J. Buler. 2016. Scale-dependent effects of nonnative plant invasion on host-seeking tick abundance. Ecosphere 7 (3).
Lafleur, J. M., J. J. Buler (co-first author), and F. R. Moore. 2016. Geographic position and landscape composition explain regional patterns of migrating landbird distributions during spring stopover along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Landscape Ecology.31:1697-1709.
Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. J. Buler. 2016. An assessment of spatio-temporal relationships between nocturnal bird migration traffic rates and diurnal bird stopover density. Movement Ecology 4:1–10.
Horton, K. G., W. G. Shriver, and J. J. Buler. 2015. A comparison of traffic estimates of nocturnal flying animals using radar, thermal imaging, and acoustic recording. Ecological Applications 25(2):390–401.
Buler, J. J., and D. K. Dawson. 2014. Radar analysis of fall bird migration stopover sites in the northeastern U.S. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116(3):357-370. This article is featured in the Joint Special Collection, on MIGRANTS IN PASSAGE
Sieges, M. L., J. J. Buler, J. A. Smolinsky, W. Barrow Jr., M. Baldwin, and L. Randall. 2014. Assessment of bird response to Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative managed wetlands using weather surveillance radar. Southeastern Naturalist. 13:G36–G65
Irvin, E., K. R. Duren, J. J. Buler, W. Jones, A. T. Gonzon, and C. K. Williams. 2013. A multi-scale occupancy model for the Grasshopper Sparrow in the Mid-Atlantic. Journal of Wildlife Management 77(8):1564-1571. PDF
Smolinsky, J.A., R.H. Diehl, T.A. Radzio, D.K. Delaney, F.R. Moore. 2013. Factors influencing the movement biology of songbirds confronted with an ecological barrier. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67: 2041-2051. PDF
Horton, K.G., and S.R. Morris. 2012. Estimating mass change of migrant songbirds during stopover: comparison of three different methods. Journal of Field Ornithology 83: 412–419. PDF
Buler, J. J., W. Barrow Jr., and L. Randall. 2012. Wintering Waterfowl Respond to Wetlands Reserve Program Lands in California’s Central Valley. USDA NRCS CEAP Conservation Insight. PDF
Buler, J.J., L. A. Randall, J. P. Fleskes, W. C. Barrow, T. Bogart, and D. Kluver. 2012. Mapping wintering waterfowl distributions using weather surveillance radar. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41571. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041571
Duren, K. R., J. J. Buler, W. Jones, and C. K. Williams. 2012. Effects of using a broadcast caller during surveys to estimate density and occupancy of Northern Bobwhite. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:16-20. PDF
Duren, K. R., J. J. Buler, W. Jones, and C. K. Williams. 2011. An improved multi-scale approach to modeling habitat occupancy of northern bobwhite. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:1700-1709. PDF
Buler, J. J., and F. R. Moore. 2011. Migrant – habitat relations during stopover along an ecological barrier: Extrinsic constraints and conservation implications. Journal of Ornithology 152 (S1):101-112. PDF
Buler, J. J. and R. H. Diehl. 2009. Quantifying bird density during migratory stopover using weather surveillance radar. IEEE Transcations on Geoscience and Remote Sensing47:2741-2751. PDF
Ruth, J.M., Buler, J.J., Diehl, R.H., and Sojda, R.S. 2008. Management and research applications of long-range surveillance radar data for birds, bats, and flying insects. U.S. Geological Survey, Fact Sheet 2008-3095, 4p. PDF
Barrow, W., Buler, J., Couvillion, B., Diehl, R., Faulkner, S., Moore, F., Randall, L. 2007. Broad scale response of landbird migration to the immediate effects of hurricane Katrina. Science and the storms – the USGS response to the hurricanes of 2005. (G.S. Farris, G. J. Smith, M. P Crane, C. R.Demas, L. L. Robbins, D. L. Lavoire, eds.). U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1306. pp. 131-136. PDF
Buler, J. J., F. R. Moore, and S. Woltmann. 2007. A multi-scale examination of stopover habitat use by birds. Ecology 88:1789-1802. PDF
Moore, F. R., M. S. Woodrey, J. J. Buler, S. Woltmann, and T. R. Simons. 2005. Understanding the stopover of migratory birds: A scale dependent approach. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar,California, Vol 2. (C.J. Ralph and T.D. Rich, eds.). Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S.D.A., Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-191, Albany, CA pp. 684-689. PDF