Author: Jeffrey Buler (page 2 of 4)

Delaware Waterfowl Tracker is now online

The Delaware Waterfowl Tracker (  is an interactive web-application that allows users to visualize the distribution of overwintering waterfowl within the Delmarva Peninsula.  The app is open to the public and targets stakeholders in the Delaware poultry industry in order to assist their biosecurity efforts to prevent the vectoring of avian influenza from waterfowl to poultry. Susannah Halligan, an undergraduate Wildlife Ecology and Conservation major, with the help of Dr. Buler and Jaclyn Smolinsky within the Aeroecology Program created the Shiny app in R using Boosted Regression Tree models of histroical weather surveillance raster observations of waterfowl as they initiate evening feeding flights from daytime roosting areas. The app shows past predicted monthly average waterfowl density during the winters of 2008 – 2015. We’ve also pinned a few of the “hotspots” where waterfowl tend to congregate.


Light pollution can impact nocturnal bird migration

Hear Dr. Buler’s comments about a new paper by former lab member Kyle Horton and others at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology examining the impacts of the Tribute in Light memorial in New York City on migrating birds. It recently aired on NPR’s All Things Considered here 

New award from the NOAA RESTORE Science Program!!

We just received funding for a new project titled “A multiscale approach to understanding migratory land bird habitat use of functional stopover habitat types and management efforts” in collaboration with University of Southern Mississippi, US Geological Survey, and US Fish and Wildlife Service. Congrats to Dr. TJ Zenzal for leading this effort!

Research Needs To Understand Effects of Events in Gulf of Mexico on Migratory Birds

Check out this blog from Smithsonian’s Conservation Biology Institute about our recent review paper on the state of knowledge about landbird migration around the Gulf of Mexico. This was a collaborative effort among scientists and conservationists that grew from the research symposium Synthesizing science to inform conservation of songbird migrants around the Gulf of Mexico at the 2016 North American Ornithological Conference.

Photo by Kevin Bennett

The New Migration Science

Our research is featured in a Living Bird magazine article by Scott Weidensaul.

Photo by Ralph Eldridge

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