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UD Women's Club Annual Opening Reception, September 26th, 2016 in Daugherty Hall.  Photos by Jessica Eastburn, UD photographer.

The UD Women’s Club Welcomed Eleni Assanis to the UD Community

The University of Delaware’s Women’s Club was pleased to welcome Eleni Assanis to the UD Community, on September 26, at a reception in Daugherty Hall.   As wife of the UD President, Mrs. Assanis is an honorary member of the club and hosted the Opening Reception.  Mrs. Assanis was introduced to the members, and expressed how much she appreciated the warm and open welcome she has received in Delaware.  A pot of succulents from the UD Botanic Garden was given to Mrs. Assanis as a thank-you gift.

Founded to help spouses of new hires meet other women in the UD community, the ‘UDWC’ has been in existence since 1945.  It has evolved to become a social group for women faculty, staff, graduate or post grads or spouses at UD with a mission to raise funds for scholarships for women.  Members attending the Opening Reception were able to renew membership in the club, sign for special activities such as book clubs, stitching group, walking and cooking groups while enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres and beverages.  The hall was embellished with vases of flowers with coral and lace table coverings

Members of the Women’s Club committee were introduced—Karen Schueler, Treasurer; Peggy Sacher, Membership; Judy Taggart; Catriona Binder-McCleod; Maura Perkins; Ulrike Diedenhofen;  and Flo Waibel-- as were the leaders of the Special Interest Groups. Three speakers followed the introductions.

Michelle Parnell, manager of the ACCESS program in Professional and Continuing Studies -Academic Programs spoke on how the UDWC scholarship donations help women students just starting at UD or needing to complete certificates for employment.  Ryan Keenan of the Employee Health and Wellness Program at UD distributed flyers about exercise programs and healthy cooking classes open to UD employees, spouses and retirees.  She encouraged people to check out the Physical Therapy program, the hearing and speech center, and the Nurse Managed Primary Care Facility available at the STAR Campus.  Historian and Educator Bob Taggart gave an overview of the beginnings of Newark, the building of various churches, the connections between the Presbyterian Church and the Newark Academy, and the decision to keep the first First Presbyterian Church stone building as part of UD.  Daugherty Hall, named after a Physics professor, became a study hall after serving as a ratskeller, a dining hall, offices and storage room.  Professor Taggart also describe two other nearby buildings now incorporated into the campus that are named after different members of the Evans family who have faithfully supported the Newark Academy and the University of Delaware over the years.

Besides the Opening Reception, a Woman of the Year luncheon and a field trip to Nemours Mansion are planned for the year while the special interest groups will meet each month.  Further information about the University of Delaware Women’s Club is available at the website at  Women in the UD Community are encouraged to download the membership form, and find contact information on the special interest groups.


UD Women's Club Visit to Nemours Mansion on Nov 30, 2016