Discovery Learning Experience (DLE)
A list of approved courses which fulfill the DLE requirement can be found in the UD Catalog.
DLE courses are typically taken in a student’s senior year. Examples of DLE courses include:
- Internships
- Study Abroad
- Senior Theses
- Practica
The two general goals of DLE courses are:
- Students will apply critical thinking skills and academic knowledge/concepts to develop effective responses to, and make informed decisions about, problems or situations encountered in the course of the learning experience.
- Students will engage in reflection, which incorporates self-assessment and analysis of the learning that has occurred as a result of their participation in the DLE. At a minimum, students will be expected to examine and demonstrate what they have learned as a result of the DLE, how they have learned it, the impact of their learning on their personal and professional growth, and how to apply that learning in other situations or contexts.