About Us

Mission Statement:

The Women in Economics Club (WiE) is a registered student organization dedicated to creating an inclusive and uplifting community for undergraduate women interested in economics-related degrees and career pathways. WiE provides an opportunity to network with professors, alumni, etc. and to engage in a friendly community, with access to resources and advising here at the University of Delaware. Through career development programs and guest speaker events, the group seeks to empower its members to succeed in the workforce and gain critical networking experience.

Although WiE is an academically focused club, it also wants to encourage members to connect socially with each other and with fellow students with similar interests.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create an environment of equality and inclusivity for all economics students at the University of Delaware so that one day there will no longer be a need to advocate specifically for female undergraduate economic students. We hope to bring more women to the field of economics and to support them in their academic and professional endeavors.


  1. To generate an atmosphere of positive support and mentorship
  2. To demonstrate the many well-defined career paths for women economists
  3. To increase the number of female students pursuing a degree in economics
  4. To bring female economists to campus to further educate our entire community
  5. To inform others of the importance of having a representative demographic within academics and professions
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