+1-302-831-1356 rjw@udel.edu

MDR BLUP-based Ranks of Maize Lines

The table below shows the rankings of diverse inbred lines of maize for quantitative resistance to Grey leaf spot (GLS), Northern leaf blight (NLB), and Southern leaf blight (SLB) disease (results from Wisser et al. 2011). Multiple disease resistance (MDR) rankings were calculated as an equally weighted index of disease-specific breeding values. Rank 1=most resistant; ties in rank were averaged.

Project Extended: To further study the genetics of MDR, a separate project was initiated in collaboration with Dr. Peter Balint-Kurti (USDA-ARS, NCSU). Lines with colored text were used to create populations of Disease Resistance Introgression Lines (DRILs). These whole genome, chromosome segment substitution line populations were made by backcrossing four different MDR lines (donor parent, red text) into the backgrounds of two different MDS lines (recurrent parent, green text; MDS parent H100 not shown). In a completed collaboration with DuPont-Pioneer these populations were genotyped, which is now being combined with the results from two years of disease trials for analysis of MDR loci.


Inbred line SLB GLS NLB MDR
KI3 6 2 8.5 1
NC304 9.5 3.5 10.5 2
NC344 3 32.5 2 3
NC258 9.5 39 1 4
KI14 5 19 12.5 5
CML258 31.5 1 19.5 6
CML314 4 16 21.5 7
CML61 19 11 12.5 8
NC302 13.5 15 21.5 9
TZI25 41.5 3.5 10.5 10
CML52 38.5 10 14 11
NC336 17 26 23.5 12
TX601 8 20 40.5 14
NC346 7 46.5 17 14
NC352 20 27.5 18 14
CML11 51.5 6 19.5 16
KI43 13.5 22.5 56 17
NC296 11 44.5 30 18
CML254 70 21 5 19.5
CML5 23.5 7.5 67.5 19.5
NC366 16 24 45.5 21
CML10 62 5 23.5 22
NC262 34 85 3 23
KI21 29 7.5 81.5 24
CML14 59.5 17.5 28.5 25
CML247 31.5 46.5 33 26
NC296A 15 64 43.5 27
CML331 21.5 25 85 28
CML277 71 12 36 29
CML157Q 36 40.5 38.5 30
NC250 2 17.5 144.5 31
CML45 85 13 45.5 32
KI2021 35 61 54.5 33
NC338 92.5 52 6 34
NC342 59.5 84 7 35
NC298 44 37.5 62.5 36
CI28A 51.5 9 100 37.5
NC350 12 56.5 100 37.5
KI44 47 32.5 67.5 39
NC348 46 48.5 58 40.5
CML158Q 38.5 67.5 50 40.5
CML108 97.5 14 50 42
CML261 56 27.5 71 43
NC290A 54 103.5 8.5 44
F2834T 100 56.5 15 45
VA85 75.5 58.5 32 46
I137TN 92.5 74 16 47.5
NC340 26.5 29 125.5 47.5
C103 56 87 28.5 49
CML281 88.5 22.5 64.5 50
CML238 82 30 67.5 51
M37W 37 108 26.5 52
CML264 56 71 67.5 53
NC324 1 78 149 54
NC354 62 91 40.5 55
HI27 33 69.5 121 56
NC260 65 106 26.5 57
CML311 64 64 78 58
CML92 28 81 117.5 59
MO17 21.5 95 111.5 60
NC300 40 31 130 61
CML220 48 117.5 31 62
H99 68 149.5 4 63
T8 44 75 109.5 64
NC356 108.5 53 50 65
MO18W 99 37.5 88 66
CI64 88.5 51 79.5 67
TZI16 80.5 43 105 68.5
CML38 134 35 42 68.5
CML332 51.5 79.5 103 70
PA875 73 97 54.5 72
CML218 80.5 95 53 72
TZI18 58 61 117.5 72
NC360 49 100 75 74
A6 68 67.5 108 75
CML328 66 76 109.5 76.5
CML228 90 61 92 76.5
VA59 62 130 35 78
NC358 86 109 43.5 79
NC362 78.5 121.5 34 80
CML154Q 30 89.5 137.5 81
H95 75.5 127.5 37 82
KI11 18 173 61 83
CML341 150.5 42 58 84
VA102 41.5 151.5 58 85
NC236 106 103.5 50 86
NC364 78.5 132.5 47 87
TZI10 95 50 124 88
CML103 123 79.5 70 89
VA35 104 105 62.5 90.5
NC264 140 44.5 88 90.5
NC314 23.5 107 148 92.5
M162W 102.5 121.5 38.5 92.5
NC318 144.5 35 96.5 94
A214N 130 54.5 100 95
SC213R 83.5 115.5 90 96
T232 107 82.5 114 97
TZI9 120 89.5 88 98
TZI8 105 72.5 127 99
NC320 141.5 40.5 122 100
CML323 157 64 91 101
PA880 136 141 25 102.5
DE811 44 95 160.5 102.5
CI66 117.5 121.5 60 104
K64 116 58.5 136 105
CH70130 83.5 98 140 106
SD40 108.5 134 72 107
T234 144.5 35 137.5 108
CML287 97.5 92 134 109
NC368 72 82.5 167 110
B68 74 111 143 111
CML333 92.5 136 111.5 112
CI31A 133 114 85 113
F6 174.5 48.5 115.5 114
A682 25 125.5 177 115
CML91 172 54.5 119.5 116.5
MP339 155 86 113 116.5
VA17 113 171 50 118
A679 26.5 181 140 119.5
DE1 141.5 140 64.5 119.5
R177 96 163 100 121
CML321 150.5 100 115.5 122
AB28A 130 130 105 123
VA14 136 143.5 85 124
NC230 168 117.5 73.5 125
3316 117.5 102 147 126
GA209 149 110 119.5 127
A239 102.5 93 172 128
CML322 128 160.5 93 129
B75 87 192.5 100 130
KY226 178 113 79.5 131
CI90C 138 159 107 132
NC328 112 115.5 160.5 133
CI7 167 66 162.5 134.5
B2 147.5 69.5 174.5 134.5
GT112 153 119 135 136.5
SC357 153 88 168 136.5
A4415 181 127.5 95 138
NC238 132 149.5 140 139
W153R 160 72.5 185 140
H84 120 121.5 170.5 141
NC232 171 100 155.5 142
PA762 77 217 132.5 143
NC306 51.5 146.5 212 144.5
YU796NS 123 162 150 144.5
B77 170 165.5 105 146
OH43 92.5 189 152.5 147
U267Y 220.5 132.5 73.5 148
NC33 120 165.5 159 149
TX303 176 160.5 123 150
B115 115 201 132.5 151
NC222 212.5 137.5 96.5 152
MO47 205.5 151.5 94 153
NC310 125.5 130 195.5 154.5
OH43E 101 205 146 154.5
K148 190 178 76 156
B64 68 191 183 157.5
H49 183 184.5 81.5 157.5
L317 177 158 130 159
OH603 217 153 77 160
KY21 179 125.5 154 161
E2558W 212.5 164 83 162
B103 123 178 169 163.5
VAW6 147.5 137.5 179.5 163.5
VA22 139 196 142 165
3811 174.5 135 164.5 166
NC294 125.5 139 209 167
MS153 110 214 157.5 168
SD44 127 221 128 169
MO45 173 143.5 173 170
PA91 161.5 209.5 130 171
B76 169 142 188 172
CI21E 143 211.5 151 173
M14 163.5 194 155.5 174
B109 111 175.5 213 175.5
B52 195.5 77 219.5 175.5
NC326 130 175.5 205 177
B57 208 187 125.5 178
L578 189 157 174.5 179
B73HTRHM 114 203 199 180
B97 200 172 152.5 181
A661 156 169 210 182
MS71 191 186 162.5 183
B37 146 169 216 184.5
B164 136 214 188 184.5
OS420 201 148 185 187
N6 205.5 146.5 181 187
F44 207 112 207.5 187
B84 219 124 182 190
A619 158.5 198.5 185 190
B10 183 155 201 190
A680 153 201 195.5 192
R229 165 211.5 176 193
KY228 195.5 155 204 194
B79 211 155 188 195
R168 180 216 166 196
C123 186.5 224 144.5 197
CI3A 215 192.5 170.5 198
H105W 203 169 214 199
N7A 209 190 192 200
B73 192.5 196 202 201
CI91B 216 178 200 202
MEF15655 166 226 197 203
K4 237.5 174 179.5 204
W22 183 183 226 205
VA26 186.5 225 191 206
MO1W 234.5 209.5 164.5 207
B14A 186.5 196 222 208
A632 203 184.5 221 209
A272 225 180 207.5 210
K55 240 182 193.5 211
OH40B 163.5 245 178 212
W64A 198.5 214 217 213
CM105 233 145 223.5 214.5
R4 161.5 237 203 214.5
CH9 214 234 157.5 216
B104 239 188 198 217
B46 198.5 207.5 223.5 218
H91 210 198.5 225 219
HY 220.5 222.5 190 220
I205 203 218 219.5 221
CM174 225 167 229 222
EP1 194 236 215 223
ND246 229 207.5 228 224
4226 192.5 206 239 225
B105 236 219 218 226
VA99 218 227 227 227
MS1334 234.5 238 206 228
WF9 245 235 193.5 229
W182B 225 220 232.5 230
A641 197 239 231 231
W117HT 232 204 238 232
A556 158.5 230 248 233
N28HT 248.5 201 234 234
MO46 247 242 211 235
WD 222 240 232.5 236
A635 223 232 236 237
OH7B 227 228 241 238
A634 230 229 242 239
A659 251 222.5 237 240.5
A654 248.5 241 230 240.5
N192 241 231 244 242
CM7 228 233 246 243
CM37 231 243 240 244
CO106 250 246 235 245
CO125 243 244 245 246
MT42 186.5 251 253 247
A188 242 249 251.5 248
CMV3 253 247 243 249
C49A 246 248 251.5 250
F7 244 252 247 251
CO255 237.5 253 250 252
A554 252 250 249 253