Winter Killed Cover Crops for Vegetable Cropping Systems Revisited

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; Cover crops that put on significant growth in the fall and then die during the winter can be very useful tools for vegetable cropping systems. These winter killed cover crops add organic… Continue Reading

Strip-Till, Biological Strip-Till and No-Till Systems Using Cover Crops for Seedless Watermelon Production

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; Strip-Till, Biological Strip Till, and No-Till Systems Using Cover Crops for Seedless Watermelon Production Seedless watermelons are the most important fresh market vegetable crop on the Delmarva Peninsula with over 5,000 acres… Continue Reading

Field Crops Growers Can Conserve Nitrogen in Poultry Litter While Retaining Benefits of No-Till

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; and Amy Shober, Extension Nutrient Management and Environmental Quality Specialist; There are many benefits of long term no-till. However, using surface applications of poultry litter in no-till has several drawbacks. The… Continue Reading