Blueberry Pruning Workshop

Saturday, February 25, 2017     9:00-11:00 a.m.
University of Delaware
Carvel Research & Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE

This hands-on workshop will include:

Blueberry pruning demonstration for varieties with different growth habits

Does detail pruning make a difference? See adjacent plants that were or were not detail pruned in 2016.

Discussion of how to prune new plantings and how to reinvigorate neglected plantings.

This workshop will be held in the blueberry experimental plot at the Carvel Research and Education Center. We will convene in the picnic grove near the office building before traveling to the blueberry plot.

Please RSVP to Emmalea Ernest by February 22 if you plan to attend, or 302-856-7303