Thank You From Joanne

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;

As many of you know, I will be retiring from the University of Delaware and my official last day is January 1, 2017. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of my wonderful producer cooperators, as well as to all of my colleagues and friends in the ag industry including the faculty, agents, specialists and support staff at UD, DSU and surrounding states, agrichemical reps, private consultants, vegetable processors, Delaware Department of Ag, USDA and NRCS and all who have worked with me over the years. It is the relationships that we build in Cooperative Extension that have made this such an awesome career. We have worked as a team and the success of IPM in Delaware and the Mid-Atlantic is a result of all of your help and assistance over the years.

Since so many were involved in my surprise retirement party on Oct 14, I also wanted to say a very huge THANK YOU. To all who had fun helping Mark Isaacs orchestrate the surprise (and I was totally surprised), for those who were able to attend and for all who could not attend but sent e-mails, cards, phone calls and text messages, I want you to know I was honored and humbled by the very special event.

I wish all of you the best of luck in future years… and I am sure you will see me at a meeting or two!!

Best of luck!

Your Friend,
