Free Webinars, Sponsored by the Mid-Atlantic Women in Agriculture

9/28: SARE Farmer Grower Grants – The goal of the USDA Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE) Farmer Grant program is to help farmers explore sustainable and innovative production and marketing practices, often through an experiment, trial, or on-farm demonstration. SARE defines sustainable practices as those that are profitable, environmentally sound, and beneficial to the wider farm community. This unique grant program funds a wide variety of on-farm projects, and has a simple application process geared towards farmers. This webinar will provide insight into this specific grant program including proposal guidelines, how to apply and tips on writing a good proposal. Note: Proposal deadlines are November 29 with awards announced in March.

10/12: Live Streaming for Advocating and Direct Marketing – Live streaming video is the hottest technique in social media. Meerkat and Periscope were early favorites, and now Facebook has gotten in on the act! with much success. Live streaming is an in-the-moment, authentic way of communicating. Learn what equipment you need and the basic guidelines for sharing your interests, cause or business to a wider audience, perhaps global one!

10/26: Understanding Buying and Selling Farmland – Learn about every aspect of a typical real estate transaction.  Understand the roles of the players involved- the real estate agents, the title company and the lawyers. Understand the meaning of the legalese in a typical farmland purchase contract, deed, mortgage and title insurance policy. Don’t go through another settlement signing paperwork you don’t understand! This webinar will make you a smarter buyer and seller of farmland.

11/9: Energy Leases: Understanding What They Mean and How They Can Impact You – Landowners around the Mid-Atlantic have received offers to lease their land for wind, solar or other renewable energy leases.  These leases can often be long documents and difficult to understand.  Ashley Ellixson and Paul Goeringer will walk you through the legal implications of these leases to better aid you in making a decision.

12/14: Creating a Farm Loan Package – This webinar will provide a basic overview of a farm loan package. It is a practical program with real-world examples and helpful tips. The course is directed to those interested in borrowing money to start, grow or expand their business.

To register:

Webinars begin at noon EST. Duration is approximately 1 hour. For optimal performance we suggest using Internet Explorer as your web browser and connecting via Ethernet connection instead of wireless (wireless will work, but a hard line is more stable)

See website for more information and other upcoming topics:

If you do not have access to high speed internet and would like to participate in one of the above webinars, contact Tracy Wootten at