Orondis, A New Fungicide from Syngenta

Andy Wyenandt, Specialist in Vegetable Pathology, Rutgers University; wyenandt@aesop.rutgers.edu

Syngenta Crop Protection released Orondis, a new fungicide with a new mode-of-action for use in vegetable production this past winter. Because of its registration date, Orondis was not included the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Guide. Orondis (oxathiapiproplin, U15) targets the oxysterol binding protein that is a part of the cell wall. The active ingredient inhibits growth of the fungus as well as sporangia production and zoospore germination. Orondis has a low solubility (i.e., locally systemic), is translaminar; and will protect new growth. Orondis is currently sold as a co-pack with either mefenoxam (Orondis Gold), chlorothalonil (Orondis Opti), or mandipropamid (Orondis Ultra). Growers will be required to tank mix Orondis with its partner during 2016 season. In 2017, the partners will be formulated together. Importantly, Orondis will not receive an individual label in the US. Orondis has different use rates and restricted seasonal use. The label needs to be followed accordingly to help manage resistance development. Simply, if Orondis is applied via drip system, it cannot be used as a foliar spray (and visa-versa). If Orondis is applied as a foliar application it cannot be used via the drip. Thus, growers planning on using Orondis need to plan ahead of time and accordingly! The rates for Orondis and it counterpart will differ by crop, pathogen, and desired use (drip vs. foliar).

Orondis Products:

Orondis Gold 200 (oxathiapiprolin [OXTP] + mefenoxam, U15 + 4) — Growers using Orondis Gold will need refer to the Orondis Gold 200 (OXTP) label and the Orondis Gold B (mefenoxam) label.

Orondis Gold 200 targets damping-off caused pythium and/or phytophthora in cucurbits, fruiting vegetables, and leafy vegetables (excluding brassica’s).

Orondis Opti (OXTP + chlorothalonil, U15 + M5) — Growers using Orondis Opti will need to refer to the Orondis Opti A (OTXP) label and the Orondis Opti B (chlorothalonil) label

Orondis Opti targets alternaria and downy mildew in Brassicas; alternaria, gummy stem blight, and downy mildew in cucurbits; early blight, late blight, botrytis, leaf mold, and anthracnose in tomato to name a few. See label for more specifics.

Orondis Ultra (OXTP + mandipropamid, U15 + 40) – Growers using Orondis Ultra will need to refer to the Orondis Ultra A (OXTP) label and the Orondis Ultra B (mandipropamid) label. See labels for more specifics.

Orondis Ultra targets phytopthora blight and buckeye rot in fruiting vegetables; downy mildew and phytophthora in cucurbits; downy mildew in brassica’s and onions to name a few. See labels for more specifics.