Thursday, May 26, 2016 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
University of Delaware
Warrington Irrigation Research Farm
Harbeson, DE
Join University of Delaware Cooperative Extension Specialists and Agents at the Warrington Irrigation Research Farm for a Small Grains Field Day.
Tour plots that include: Various wheat irrigation strategies, foliar fungicide programs in wheat, irrigated and non-irrigated high input wheat that includes multiple fungicide application timings and Palisade® plant growth regulator, and wheat planted in 7.5 in. and 15 in. rows.
Other topics covered include: Extension IPM Project Update: Fall aphid management in small grains related to barley yellow dwarf management, resistant weeds and some herbicide options, and integrated management of Fusarium head blight; spring insect management update in small grains (aphids, cereal leaf beetle, grass sawflies and armyworms), small grain weed control, fall soil nitrate testing, and update on variety trial disease ratings.
Directions: Harbeson Rd (Rt. 5) 4 miles south of Rt. 9 in Harbeson, DE at the intersection of Hurdle Ditch Rd and Payline Dr. Signs will be posted.
Credits: (1) DE Nutrient Management, (1) DE Pesticide, CCA offered
Cooperative Extension programs and employment are available to all without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Cooperative Extension office. If you have special needs that need to be accommodated, please contact the office two weeks prior to the event.