Friday May, 20, 2016 10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Delaware State University
Smyrna Outreach & Research Center (SORC)
884 Smyrna-Leipsic Road, Smyrna, DE
Presented by DSU Cooperative Extension, Small Farms Program.
The focus of the workshop is spring, fall and overwintered vegetables, fruits and herbs; the EQIP Program and high tunnels; and farmers’ perspective on high tunnel production.
Growing the Best Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers Ever
Steve Bogash, Penn State Extension
Increasing the Availability of Delaware’s Specialty Crops through High Tunnels
Gordon Johnson, University of Delaware
The State of High Tunnel Production in Delaware
Rose Ogutu, Delaware State University
RSVP by May, 16, 2016. To register for the free workshop or for more information, call Rose Ogutu at (302) 587-6397 or email