Tuesday, July 28, 2015 5:30-8:00 p.m.
Carvel Research and Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE 19947
Meet in “The Grove”
Watermelon cultural research to be shown will include variety trials; pollinizer efficacy, pollinizer placement, and pollen viability studies; growth regulators and fruit set, hollow heart, watermelon development, and stress mitigation research; compost, poultry manure, food safety, and slow release fertilizer studies; and drive row management. Pest management research to be shown will include mite studies, grafted watermelon use, and Reflex use for weed control. Plant pathologists will discuss the disease situation this year and disease management options.
Extension specialists and researchers including Gordon Johnson, Emmalea Ernest, Joanne Whalen, Mark VanGessel, Kate Everts, and Nathan Kleczewski will be on-hand to discuss these projects and answer questions. Light refreshments will be provided.
To register, contact Karen Adams at (302) 856-7303 or email adams@udel.edu.
For additional program information, contact Gordon Johnson, gcjohn@udel.edu, (302)-856-7303.