Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;
Cole Crops
Continue to sample for cabbage looper, diamondback larvae, armyworms and Harlequin bug. Although the pyrethroids will provide control of Harlequin bugs they are not effective on diamondback. So be sure to scout and select controls options based on the complex of insects present in the field.
Lima Beans
Continue to scout for spider mites, stink bugs and lygus bugs. Be sure to sample for corn earworm larvae as soon as pin pods are present. A treatment will be needed if you find one corn earworm larvae per 6 ft-of-row. You will also need to watch for soybean loopers that can quickly cause defoliation.
Continue to scout all melons for aphids, cucumber beetles, and spider mites. We continue to see an increase in aphid populations. Treatments should be applied before populations explode and leaf curling occurs.
Depending on local trap catches, sprays should be applied on a 7 to 10-day schedule once pepper fruit is ¼ – ½ inch in diameter. Be sure to check local moth catches in your area by calling the Crop Pest Hotline (302-831-8851) or visit our website at You will also need to consider a treatment for pepper maggot. Be sure to also watch carefully for beet armyworm larvae since they can quickly defoliate plants. In addition, be sure to use a material that provides beet armyworm control – the pyrethroids have not provided control of this insect in past years.
Snap Beans
You will need to consider a treatment for corn borer and corn earworm in processing and fresh market snap beans. Sprays are needed at the bud and pin stages on processing beans for corn borer control. An earworm spray may also be needed at the pin stage. You will need to check our website ( or call the Crop Pest Hotline (302-831-8851) for the most recent trap catches to help decide on the spray interval between the pin stage and harvest for processing snap beans.
Once pin pods are present on fresh market snap beans, a 7 to 10-day schedule should be maintained for corn borer and corn earworm control.
Sweet Corn
Continue to sample all fields through pre-tassel stage for whorl feeders (corn borer, corn earworm and fall armyworm). A treatment should be applied if 12-15% of the plants are infested with larvae (regardless of the species). The predominant whorl feeder continues to be the fall armyworm. Since fall armyworm (FAW) feed deep in the whorls, sprays should be directed into the whorls and multiple applications are often needed to achieve control. FAW can also be a problem in silk stage sweet corn, especially in outbreak years. The first silk sprays will be needed as soon as ear shanks are visible. Be sure to check both blacklight and pheromone trap catches since the spray schedules can quickly change. Trap catches are generally updated on Tuesday and Friday mornings on our website ( and the Crop Pest Hotline (302-831-8851). Information on scouting sweet corn and how to use the trap catch information can be found at