Potato Disease Advisory #5 – June 13, 2014

Nathan Kleczewski, Extension Specialist – Plant Pathology; nkleczew@udel.edu

Date DSV Total DSV Accumulated P-Days Recommended

Spray Interval

5/12-5/21 19 19 81 5-days
5/21-5/23 2 21 100 10-days
5/23-5/30 16 37 157 5-days
5/30-6/6 6 43 207 10-days
6/6-6-13 21 64 280 5-days


Location: Leipsic, Kent Count, Delaware
Green row: May 12, 2013

Late Blight
The threshold of 18 DSVs has been exceeded. Protective fungicides are recommended. Sixty-four (64) DSVs have accumulated so far for any potatoes that established green row (approximately 50% emergence) prior to and since May 12.

Any suspect samples can be sent to the UD Plant Diagnostic Lab or dropped off at your local extension office. See the 2014 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations-Delaware for recommended fungicides: http://extension.udel.edu/ag/vegetable-fruit-resources/commercial-vegetable-production-recommendations/

The website USABlight tracks tomato and potato late blight across the nation and can be found here: http://usablight.org/. Information on scouting, symptomology, and management can also be found on this website.

Early Blight
Two-hundred eighty (280) P-days have accumulated. No fungicides for early blight control are recommended; however, it is likely that the 300 P-day threshold will be reached within a week, particularly with recent rainy and humid weather. Commercial fungicide recommendations can be found in the 2014 Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations-Delaware: http://extension.udel.edu/ag/vegetable-fruit-resources/commercial-vegetable-production-recommendations/