Field Day: Diagnosing Soybean Production Issues

Tuesday, August 12, 2014     4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
University of Delaware
Research and Education Center
(old office building)
16686 County Seat Hwy
Georgetown, DE

Diagnostic Day is designed to help growers feel more comfortable diagnosing soybean production problems. The event will last about two hours and will consist of in-field, hands-on training to detect and identify pests and diseases of soybeans, and will end with a dinner courtesy of the soybean checkoff. There will be a number of educational materials provided that will be valuable resources for you to take home.

The United Soybean Board and Delaware Soybean Board are teaming up with the University of Delaware to sponsor the Soybean Diagnostic DayDiagnostic Day is supported by USB’s Technology Transfer program.

Pesticide and CCA recertification credits have been requested.

To register contact Karen Adams at (302) 856-7303 ext 540 or