UD Summer Pasture Walk

Wednesday, June 4, 2014     6:30-9:00 p.m.
University of Delaware
Webb Farm
508 S. Chapel St.
Newark, DE

Come and learn about pasture management and renovation practices used on the University of Delaware’s Webb Farm. Hear about soil sampling techniques and how to properly submit your soil sample. Get help with plant and weed identification and weed control advice. Particulars on Bermudgrass establishment, management and soil fertility will also be covered. Natural Resource Conservation Service will also share information on relevant cost share programs. Experts will be on hand to answer specific questions.

The meeting is free and everyone interested in attending is welcome.  If you have special needs in accessing this program, please call the office two weeks in advance.


Welcome and Introductions
15 minutes
Dan Severson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Tour of Pastures and Pasture Management, Pasture Renovation Techniques at Webb Farm
30 minutes
Larry Armstrong, University of Delaware Webb Farm Manager

Soil Fertility, Plant ID, Bermudagrass Establishment
30 Minutes
Dr. Richard Taylor, University of Delaware Extension Agronomy Specialist

Weed ID and Weed Control in Pastures
30 minutes
Quintin Johnson, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension

Soil Sampling Techniques and How to Properly Submit Your Sample
30 minutes

Karen Gartley, University of Delaware Plant and Soil Science Research Manager

Overview of NRCS Programs
15 minutes
Marianne Hardesty, New Castle County NRCS District Conservationist

Credits: DE Nutrient Management and Pesticide credits will be offered.

To register or request more information, please call our office at (302)831-2507. Please call to register by May 30.