Farm Bill Workshop

Wednesday, March 5     8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
University of Delaware
Carvel Research & Education Center
16483 County Seat Highway
Georgetown, DE 19947

Learn how the new Farm Bill will affect your operation and how to protect your revenue in 2014!

A workshop is aimed at updating farmers on the Peninsula on their risk management options, market conditions, and changes in farm policy. The proceedings will be as follows:

Come early for coffee and refreshments

Opening Remarks by DDA Secretary Ed Kee followed by Dr. Art Barnaby (Kansas State University), returning to Delaware to present his popular workshop “Risk Assessed Marketing”, an interactive workshop which allows participants to practice using various marketing and risk management tools to optimize their revenue. Dr. Barnaby will also provide an update on the new Farm Bill as policy is being enacted.

Also featured is Clif Parker, a retired career professional with the Risk Management Agency. Mr. Parker will update the group on today’s revenue and yield coverage options within the crop insurance program.

Lunch will be served.

To register for the free workshop, call 877-673-2767. Registration is requested to ensure enough lunch and workshop materials for all attendees.