Vegetable Crop Insects – April 26, 2013

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;

Asparagus beetles adults can be found laying eggs and feeding on spears. As a general guideline, a treatment is recommended if 2% of the spears are infested with eggs. Since adults also feed on the spears, a treatment is recommended if 5% of the plants are infested with adults.

Continue to scout fields for imported cabbage worm and diamondback larvae. Low levels of larvae can be found. Sprays will be needed before they move deep into the heads. As a general guideline, a treatment is recommended if you find 5% of the plants infested with larvae.

Continue to sample fields for aphids. The current cool weather favors increases in populations. On small plants, you should sample for aphids by counting the number of aphids on 10 plants in 10 locations throughout a field. On larger plants, take 10 sweeps in 10 locations. As a general guideline, a treatment is recommended if you find 5-10 aphids per plant or 50 or more aphids per sweep. When sampling dry land peas, you may want to reduce the threshold, especially if they are drought stressed.

As soon as plants emerge, be sure to sample fields for Colorado potato beetle adults, especially if an at-planting material was not used. Low levels of the first emerged adults can now be found. A treatment should not be needed for adults until you find 25 beetles per 50 plants and defoliation has reached the 10% level