Soybean Rust Update

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist;

On August 20th, soybean rust was detected at extremely low levels in a commercial soybean field in Jackson County, Mississippi. On the same date the disease was reported in a soybean sentinel plot in Washington County, Florida, in the Panhandle. Tropical Storm Fay is presently moving north on the east coast of Florida where soybean rust has not been detected. If the storm turns west as predicted, the eye will move through the Panhandle which has areas with soybean rust-infected kudzu. Approximately 75 counties had reported rust by mid-August of 2007 compared to the 30 counties that have reported the disease so far this year.

On the soybean rust control side, the section 18 labels for Folicur, Orius and Uppercut (all have the same active ingredient, tebuconazole) expired last November. The section 18 labels were in the process of being renewed when Folicur was granted section 3 national labels for control of soybean rust, just a short time ago. If this triazole fungicide is needed, there is no need for growers to have a special section 18 label in hand if they purchase Folicur for use on soybeans. State approval should be done as soon as the manufacturers notify the state. The other labels for Orius and Uppercut should follow soon. This may be more of an issue for the growers in the South, but it is welcome news anyway.