Last Issue of Weekly Crop Update for 2012 and Weekly Crop Update User Survey

Emmalea Ernest, Extension Associate – Vegetable Crops;

This is the last issue of Weekly Crop Update for the 2012 season. I hope that this newsletter has been a useful resource to you as you dealt with the challenges of this past growing season. My thanks to the Extension specialists and agents who have contributed articles this year — the WCU would obviously not be possible without them. My thanks as well to our office staff at the REC, who make sure the WCU gets to our fax and mail subscribers.

As I noted in the previous issue, it has been several years since we surveyed you, the Weekly Crop Update’s readers and subscribers, to see what you find useful about this publication and to try to get some ideas on how it could be improved. If you have not already done so please participate in our WCU User Survey and help us make this publication better. You can take the survey online at:

Best wishes for a safe and prosperous fall harvest season. I look forward to seeing many of you at meetings this winter.

Kind regards,