● Have you ever been frustrated by the lack of a solution to a particular problem in farming?
● Have you ever wondered about writing a grant to see if your problem-solving idea really works?
● Does the whole process of writing a grant just seem overly complicated?
● Would you like some guidance through the grant writing process?
● Do you raise animals, crops, grains, cut flowers or perhaps even bees?
This workshop is designed to guide farmers through the individual steps of writing a grant for Northeast SARE (Sustainable Agriculture, Research, and Education). The business of getting grants is competitive and learning the tools that will get you closer to receiving a grant is valuable. By attending this workshop you will learn how to answer the 7 questions required for a SARE Farmer grant.
This series of 7 workshops begins on Saturday, August 13.
All meetings will be held at the UD Paradee Center, 69 Transportation Circle, Dover, DE 19901
Registration deadline is August 5. For more information contact Dr. Brigid McCrea at (302) 857-6424 or bmccrea@desu.edu or go to https://sites.udel.edu/weeklycropupdate/files/2011/07/SAREws.pdf