Potato Disease Advisory #12 – June 30, 2011

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist; bobmul@udel.edu

Late blight Advisory

Location: Art and Keith Wicks Farm, Rt 9, Little Creek, Kent County
Greenrow: May 3

Date Late Blight Early Blight Spray Interval Recommendation
DSV Total DSV Accumulated P-days*
6/13 0 66 301 7-days
6/13-6/15 0 66 318 7-days
6/16 1 67 328 7-days
6/17 0 67 336 7-days
6/18-6/19 0 67 352 10-days
6/20-6/22 1 68 377 10-days
6/23 1 69 383 10-days
6/24-6/26 0 69 407 10-days
6/27 1 70 416 10-days
6/28 1 71 424 10-days


Continue to scout fields for symptoms of late blight. Conditions will continue to favor early blight. We have surpassed the 300 P-day threshold for initiating early blight sprays.

Late Blight was reported this week in DE, on the eastern shore VA, and Long Island, New York. The weather conditions have been favorable the past few days but the hot weather forecasted for this weekend should help reduce the threat. The Delaware find near Leipsic in Kent County was a small area at the end of a field next to woods and under power lines that obstructed the aerial application of fungicide applied to the whole field. Late blight specific fungicide has been applied.

For specific fungicide recommendations, see the 2011 Delaware Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Book.