Reminder: Fall Control of Perennial Weeds

Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;

Fall is often a good time and most convenient time to treat most perennial weeds because it is the time that plants are best able to translocate the herbicide to the roots where it will do the most good. When considering fall weed control the emphasis should be on what the patch of weeds will look like next spring or summer not the number of dead stems this fall. Also, it is important to consider that a fall application will not eradicate a stand of perennial weeds; the fall application will reduce the stand size or the plant vigor, but applications in consecutive years is likely needed.  Fall applications of glyphosate is the most flexible treatment for most perennial weeds such as bermudagrass, Canada thistle, common milkweed, common pokeweed, yellow nutsedge, horse nettle, groundcherry, and johnsongrass. Rates of 1 to 1.25 lbs. of acid per acre are consistently the most economical (or about 1.5X the normal use rate for annual weeds). Dicamba (Banvel) at 2 to 4 pints is also labeled for artichoke, bindweeds, dock, hemp dogbane, horse nettle, milkweeds, or pokeweed. Planting small grains must be delayed after dicamba application 20 days per pint of dicamba applied. Fall herbicide applications should be made to actively growing plants. It is best to spray prior to mowing the corn stalks and allowing plants to recover after harvest. Allow 10 to 14 days after treatment before disturbing the treated plants. If fall applications are delayed, remember weed species differ in their sensitivity to frost; some are easily killed by frost (i.e. horsenettle) others can withstand relatively heavy frosts. Check the weeds prior to application to be sure they are actively growing.