Guess The Pest! July 5

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Last week’s GTP was a stumper. Not many insects will tie trifoliates together and feed. Beet armyworm will tie leaves together and feed, but not usually abundant in soybean. This one was the handiwork of thistle caterpillars.

GTP June 29 6-29-2024

The work of thistle caterpillars

This week is truly a guess. We were wandering around a watermelon field when we noticed the ground was unusually wet in the middle of a row. After some careful digging and slogging, we found drip tape with holes in it. Who or what do you think is responsible for the damage on the left and who or what on the right? (There are no wrong answers here).

GTP July 5


What caused this damage to drip tubing?

Click on the Guess The Pest logo to enter in your guess on the google sheet.

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