Fruit and Vegetable Extension Agent Introduction

Lyndsie Mikkelsen, Fruit and Vegetable Extension Agent;

My name is Lyndsie Mikkelsen, and I am the new Fruit and Vegetable Extension Agent! I graduated from the University of Delaware with a B.S. in Agriculture and Natural Resources and currently hold Nutrient Management Certifications for both Delaware and Maryland. After graduation, I worked with USDA- Farm Service Agency (FSA) where my passion of working with local producers was sparked. I eventually made my way to the University of Maryland as a Nutrient Management Advisor writing plans for Caroline County. My time as an advisor allowed me to be more hands-on with local farmers where I naturally cultivated a love for nutrient management and soil fertility. These past few months I worked with the Sussex Conservation District (SCD) alongside Soil Conservationists from USDA- Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) implementing Farm Bill programs to address resource concerns, writing conservation plans, and helping to implement SCDs Cover Crop Program. I love to learn and am looking forward to all the knowledge I will gain building my career with Extension. I am excited to be here and happy to help in any way possible!

My office is located at the Carvel Research and Education Center: 16483 County Seat Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947. The best way to contact me is my cell (302) 650-3162 or email I look forward to working with you!