Avipel Update

Drew Harris, Kent Co. Ag Extension Agent; raharris@udel.edu
Nick Adams, New Castle Co. Ag Extension Agent; naadams@udel.edu
Cory Whaley, Sussex Co. Ag Extension Agent; whaley@udel.edu
David Owens, Extension Entomologist, owensd@udel.edu

The hopperbox Avipel treatment registration was pulled last year by EPA just before the planting season. It will not return in time for the 2024 planting season. There is a liquid version available for seed treatment; available in quart or gallon sized containers. It should be applied at a rate of 13.5 fluid ounces per 100 pounds of seed. There is a seed treater in PA that has been working with Arkion to apply the seed treatment. Your local seed dealer or treater might not be familiar with the liquid treatment, in which case it would be good to start the conversation with them early. If any seed treaters or chemical dealers have questions, they can contact Jeremy Van Oort with Arkion Life Science, j.vanoort@att.net.