Last Weekly Issue of WCU for 2023

This is the last weekly issue of Weekly Crop Update for the 2023 season. Throughout the season, I trust this proved to be a valuable tool and provided the necessary information to address issues or improved other aspects of your operation.

There will be a monthly update to WCU Blog with notes, articles, and announcements from October through February. Notification of the monthly updates will be sent to email subscribers.

Thank you to the Extension specialists, agents, and other contributors that have made this newsletter the tremendous success it has been this season. If it wasn’t for their insight and knowledge this would not be the valuable resource that it is. If there were WCU articles that were beneficial and specifically helped you throughout the season I hope you will let the writer know. Our thanks as well to Karen Adams, who gets WCU to mail subscribers.


Kind regards,

Emmalea Ernest and Drew Harris, WCU Editors