Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Cole crops
Cabbage aphid populations are increasing. Imported cabbageworm is very active, along with lower populations of many other cabbage pests. We even had a cutworm destroy the growing point in one of our plot plants. Thresholds for cupping cabbage decrease. Products with systemic activity are going to be every important now as coverage may be increasingly difficult. Consult the MidAtlantic Vegetable Recommendations Guide for products that have both worm and aphid efficacy if you need to control both.

Spinach and Beets
Continue scouting for beet webworm. Moth activity is still very high. Look for windowpaning on leaves or rolled and folded sections of leaves.

Sweet Corn Addendum
Many thanks also are due to Nick Adams, New Castle County Ag Agent for checking the Middletown trap and to all cooperators and stakeholders that allowed us to steal electricity to operate our blacklights.