Transitions in UD Vegetable & Fruit Program and WCU Editing

To WCU Subscribers:

As many of you are aware, I will be retiring on June 30 as the UD Extension Fruit and Vegetable Specialist. Fortunately, this position is a priority and is being filled on July 1 by Dr. Emmalea Ernest who has been with the UD vegetable program for almost 2 decades.

I will continue to contribute to the WCU for this growing season and from time to time thereafter as I encounter interesting vegetable and fruit issues (usually on my farm). My goal has been to provide horticultural information in the WCU that is often hard to find for those working with and growing fruits and vegetables. I hope you have found these contributions useful in your farming or consulting.

I will be continuing to teach, work on selected research projects, do some consulting, and putter around my small fruit and vegetable farm near Denton, MD. I will be keeping my same UD email and phone number if you want to keep in touch but strongly recommend that you contact Emmalea with all your vegetable and fruit questions in the future.

Take care and I hope you have a good year.


Dr. Gordon Johnson
Extension Fruit and Vegetable Specialist (retired)
University of Delaware


Hello WCU Subscribers,

You have probably noticed some transition in the WCU editing responsibilities. Drew Harris, Kent County Ag Agent, will be editing most issues for the remainder of this season as I am moving to the position of Extension Fruit and Vegetable Specialist. My previous position is being advertised (, and the person hired in that role will share WCU editing responsibilities with Drew.

I look forward to continuing to interact with you as a more frequent writer for WCU.

Kind regards,

Dr. Emmalea Ernest
University of Delaware
Extension Fruit and Vegetable Specialist