2023 USDA Prospective Planting Report Predicts Increase in Corn Acreage in Delmarva

Nate Bruce, Farm Business Management Specialist, nsbruce@udel.edu

Last year, producers nationally planted less corn and more soybeans because of high input costs. The USDA Prospective Planting report predicts producers will increase corn production nationally in 2023 by 4% and soybean acreage will be unchanged. Below is a chart that shows corn and planted soybean acreage nationally given within the report:

USDA estimates for all the Mid-Atlantic states is higher for corn in 2023 compared to 2022. Soybean acreage in the Mid-Atlantic is predicted to vary from state to state. The prediction for corn and soybean for each Mid-Atlantic state is given below:

USDA estimates for all the Mid-Atlantic states is higher for corn in 2023 compared to 2022. Soybean acreage in the Mid-Atlantic is predicted to vary from state to state. The prediction for corn and soybean for each Mid-Atlantic state is given below:

Corn Acreage

  • Delaware – Up 3%
  • Maryland – Up 5%
  • New Jersey – Up 12%
  • Pennsylvania – Up 11%
  • Virginia – Up 20%
  • Mid-Atlantic Average – Up 10.2%

Soybean Acreage

  • Delaware – Down 6%
  • Maryland – Up 2%
  • New Jersey – Down 9%
  • Pennsylvania – Down 2%
  • Virginia – Down 6%
  • Mid-Atlantic Average – Down 4.2%

The Mid-Atlantic region is predicted to have greater corn acreage planted in 2023 compared to the national average. Soybean acreage in the Mid-Atlantic is expected to be less than the national average. This might reflect multiple factors that producers in the region face versus those nationally. It will be interesting to see what happens this year in our region.

Here is a link to the complete report:
