Agronomic Crop Insect Scouting

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Early Season Moth Activity
Many thanks to Haley Sater with UMD Cooperative Extension and Joanne Whalen, Extension entomologist emeritus extraordinaire for assistance with checking traps.

Location # of Nights Total Catch
Willards, MD 7 16 12
Salisbury, MD 4 (Apr 10) 6 5
Seaford, DE 7 33 15
Sudlersville, MD 7 28 10
Harrington, DE 7 183 43
Smyrna, DE 7 693 71
Middletown, DE 8 12 52

Moth counts fluctuated a bit with some sites showing a small increase and others a decrease. The northern half of Kent County and New Castle County continue to indicate a cutworm flight is ongoing, and a true armyworm flight along the east side of Rt 1. We will be tracking degree days to forecast when black cutworm larvae will be large enough to cut plants, but keep in mind that there are other cutworm species in the area with differing timings. Scout emerging corn for signs of cutworm activity – holes in leaves, large gouges, and partially cut/withering plants. Withering plants can also be a sign of wireworm or white grub damage.