Cucurbit Downy Mildew Update – June 18, 2010

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist;

There have been no more reports of northern movement of downy mildew since last week. There were new reports from Sampson county NC, GA and SC. Be sure to keep current on disease occurrences by visiting

I wanted to clarify my comments that I made last week on the use of Previcur Flex for downy mildew control on cucumbers. It has been one of the cornerstone fungicides for successful downy mildew control. I was not saying not to use it, especially this time of the season. My concern is that under very high disease pressure last fall it did not look as good as in the past. Similar results occurred in VA in the fall as well. Researchers in other parts of the country have not experienced the reduced level of control that we noticed last season. Remember that it should be applied with a protectant and used in a rotation with downy mildew fungicides with a different mode of action such as Ranman or Presidio.