MELCAST Forecasting for Bummy Stem Blight on Watermelon and Alternaria Leaf Blight on Cantaloupe

Kate Everts, Vegetable Pathologist, University of Delaware and University of Maryland;

Forecasts for fungicide applications in watermelon and cantaloupes for the 2010 season are set to begin on Friday, June 4. If you have not received forecasts in the past and would like to receive them, please call Mrs. Jeri Cook (410-742-8788) and give her your email address. Locations will remain the same as last year. Maryland forecasts are for Woodbine, Waldorf, Galestown and Hebron. Delaware forecasts are for Coverdale Crossroads, and both northeast and southwest of Laurel. To use MELCAST, select weather data for the site closest to your farm.

Instructions on use of MELCAST are available at