Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist;
A lot of Enlist soybeans have been planted this year, with the intent of using glufosinate (Liberty) instead of Enlist One or Enlist Duo. But with shortages of glufosinate there are a lot who may look at Enlist products as an option. Be sure to read the label; while Enlist products do not have as many restrictions as the dicamba products, there are a number of considerations.
- The 2,4-D choline reduces the risk of 2,4-D volatility, drift is still a consideration. Larger droplets will reduce the risk of drift; droplets will evaporate after the leaving the spray tip and higher temperatures and low humidity increase the amount of droplet evaporation.
- Risk of off-target movement increases with temperature so be cautious when applying postemergence
- Do not apply during temperature inversions (little to no wind)
- Requires a 30-foot downwind buffer
- Do not spray when sensitive plants are downwind
- Requires “Management of Runoff”, pertains to all fields. Read the label for mitigation measures that vary by soil type.