Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,

Seedcorn maggot is active. If incorporating organic matter, consider seed treatments, or, depending on product labels, a soil application of an appropriate insecticide. We are beginning to see symptoms of seedcorn maggot injury to processing peas planted during the approximately March 20-30 time window for peak overwintering adult activity period. Affected plants may appear as small runts or yellowing as if nitrogen stressed. Digging up plants may reveal a compromised root system and signs of maggot injury or tunneling, and you may see adult flies on the soil surface. Try to mitigate stressors as much as possible, and hopefully these affected plants will limp to the finish line.

Don’t want to wait to hear about insect activity? Check out the Syngenta Pest Patrol service. Sign up and whenever a voice recording for a region or crop group you select is recorded, you will receive a text message with a link to the 2-5 minute recording.

Spotted Lanternfly eggs are beginning to hatch. Be on the lookout for the domino-colored nymphs, particularly in areas with tree of heaven and any grapes near tree of heaven. Equipment and vehicles should be inspected prior to leaving the quarantine zone in Kent (especially, but not limited to Smyrna, Harrington, and Dover) and New Castle Counties. More information can be found at DDA’s Spotted Lanternfly webpage:,Castle%20County%20and%20Kent%20County.