Vegetable Crop Insect Scouting

David Owens, Extension Entomologist,


Continue scouting for mites and aphids. This week, Cody Stubbs looked at several greenhouses and saw little to no aphid activity. Look on new leaves for characteristic mite stippling and take note of it so that plants can be checked again before planting to determine if a treatment while on the transplant wagon would be beneficial.


Allium leafminer continues to be active in various parts of the state. Imported cabbageworm is also active in cole crops.

Seedcorn Maggot Update

We will reach peak predicted first generation fly emergence from the soil in Georgetown this weekend or early next week. I time seed treatment evaluation tests around these peak degree days to achieve maximum maggot pressure on seed treatments. We have a field that had a good stand of Austrian winter peas tilled under and chicken manure incorporated to bring in the overwintering flies in March. Now we are going to cultivate the field prior to planting. Next week, vegetable fields with organic matter tilled in and planted within 3 weeks should have an insecticidal seed treatment.