2022 Delaware Fruit and Vegetable Meetings

PDF versions of slides, presentation video recordings and handouts from the talks are linked below.

FVGAD Fruit Session

Strawberries and Brambles
Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Specialist, Fruit and Vegetable Program, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Dr. Emmalea Ernest, Scientist, Extension Fruit and Vegetable Program, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Peaches, Plums and Cherries
Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Specialist, Fruit and Vegetable Program, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Apples and Pears
Donald Seifrit, Tree Fruit Extension Educator, Penn State University
Slide Set   |   Video

Managing Weeds in Fruit Crops
David Myers, Principal Agent, University of Maryland Cooperative Extension
Slide Set   |   Video  |   Handout Fruit Herbicides   |   Handout Pesticides for Mixed Orchards   |   Handout UMD Winter Ag Extension Newsletter

Spotted Lanternfly, a New Pest of Fruits
Katie Bielicki, Delaware Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Spotted Lanternfly Project Coordinator
Slide Set and Video unavailable

Using NEWA Weather Tools in Integrated Pest Management
Dr. Jake Jones, Extension Agriculture Agent, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video


FVGAD Fresh Market Session

Produce Food Safety Program Updates
Delaware Department of Agriculture
Slide Set   |   Video Unavailable   |  Handout Proposed Water Rule   |   Handout Factors to Consider for Proposed Water Rule

Recent Foodborne Illness Outbreaks and Investigations in Vegetable Crops
Dr. Kali Kniel, Professor of Microbial Food Safety, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Insect and Mite Research Updates in Fresh Market Vegetables
Dr. David Owens, Extension Entomologist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Disease Management Updates in Vegetable Crops: Special focus on managing Phytophthora capsici in vine crops and bacterial diseases in tomatoes and peppers
Dr. Andy Wyenandt, Extension Specialist in Vegetable Pathology, Rutgers University
Slide Set   |   Video

Weed Management Updates in Fresh Market Vegetables
Dr. Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Vegetable Variety Trials; Heat Stress Adaptation and Mitigation Research; Growing Pole Lima Beans
Dr. Emmalea Ernest, Scientist, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Program, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Watermelon Variety Trial Results; Specialty Pumpkins; Compost Research; New and Reemerging Vegetables; Growing Sweet Potatoes
Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Fruit & Vegetable Specialist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Challenges in No-till and Minimum till Production of Vegetables.
Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Fruit & Vegetable Specialist, University of Delaware
Dr. Mark VanGessel, Extension Weed Specialist, University of Delaware
David Marvel, FVGAD Board Member, Farmer


FVGAD Processing Session

Parthenocarpic Pickles; Broccoli and Sprouting Broccoli Variety Evaluation
Dr. Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable and Fruit Specialist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Maggots, Worms and Bugs, Oh My! (Insect Pest Management Updates)
Dr. David Owens, Extension Entomologist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Getting to the Root of the Problem: Soilborne Disease in Processing Vegetable Production
Dr. Alyssa Koehler, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Herbicide Application Timing is Important for Lima Bean and Snap Bean
Dr. Mark VanGessel, Professor and Extension Weed Science Specialist, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Cucurbit Downy Mildew and Phytophthora capsici Management
Dr. Jake Jones, Kent County Agriculture Agent, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Soil Moisture Monitoring and Irrigation Scheduling
James Adkins, Irrigation Engineer, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video

Snap Bean and Cauliflower Variety Trials; Lima Breeding Program Update
Dr. Emmalea Ernest, Scientist, Extension Vegetable and Fruit Program, University of Delaware
Slide Set   |   Video