Wednesday, September 22, 2021
3:00-5:00 p.m. ET
Nuffield International USA is hosting an ‘International Perspectives on Soil Health’ webinar on September 22nd from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Central U.S. time (3-5 PM ET). This virtual gathering will feature Nuffield Farming Scholars from Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The Nuffield Scholars will discuss what they learned about soil health during their global travels and what changes they have implemented on their own farms as a result.
Bringing together this unique group of global leaders provides anyone interested in soil health with the opportunity to learn about best practices and innovations which are being developed around the world, and how climate and economic conditions impact on-farm implementation.
As part of the event, Ed Kee, Nuffield International USA President and former Delaware Secretary of Agriculture, will give an overview of Nuffield scholarship opportunities for people involved in agriculture in the United States.
Bill Northey, former Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation at USDA, will give some thoughts on the importance of having an international perspective when addressing soil health and other issues in agriculture.
Ed Kee, Nuffield USA President and former Delaware Secretary of Agriculture: Scholarship opportunities for international travel with the Nuffield network.
Bill Northey, former Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm Production and Conservation at USDA: Why have an international discussion?
Blake Vince, 2013 Nuffield Scholar from Merlin, Ontario Canada: Conserving Farmland with Cover Crops and the Importance of Biodiversity.
Jake Freestone, 2013 Nuffield Scholar from Overbury, Tewkesbury United Kingdom: My Nuffield-Inspired Soil Health Journey at Overbury Farms.
Grant Pontifex, 2018 Nuffield Scholar from Paskeville, South Australia: Improving Soil Health with Manure and Cover Crops.
Register for the webinar here:
The webinar will be recorded. Please register if you would like to receive a link to the recording. For more information, contact Brian Dougherty at or 563-239-7070