Specialty Pumpkins and Winter Squash for Expanded Sales

Gordon Johnson, Extension Vegetable & Fruit Specialist; gcjohn@udel.edu

Pumpkin growers and retailers are always looking for ways to expand fall sales. To that end, breeders have developed more and more specialty pumpkins and winter squash. We have a demonstration planting at the University of Delaware to show off some of these types and assess consumer demand.


The white group has expanded to include table top, flat, and giant types.


round, white pumkpkins


long white pumpkin


There has been a proliferation of warty and bumpy types.


a variety of bumpy pumpkins


a single bumpy round pumpkin


A cupboard of Hubbards that are also good eating.


Hubbard eating pumpkins


Heirlooms, doll, wheel, cheese, and “Harry Potter” types are popular and are good eating.


Heirlooms, doll, wheel, cheese, and “Harry Potter” types are popular and are good eating.


Heirlooms, doll, wheel, cheese, and “Harry Potter” types are popular and are good eating.


Heirlooms, doll, wheel, cheese, and “Harry Potter” types are popular and are good eating.


There are new colors of pumpkins, some with splashes and thick stems.


There are new colors of pumpkins, some with splashes and thick stems.