Soybean Rust Update

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist;

The cold winter extended deep into the South, and kudzu was killed back in most sites and is only now re-growing in Florida and the other Gulf States. No soybean rust has been observed on kudzu at this time. Soybean sentinel monitoring sites are being planted at this time in FL, MS, LA, and AL.

Funding for the ipmPIPE sentinel plots was reduced for this season and only the states in the South are receiving funds to continue the sentinel plots. Tier 3 states which include DE were not funded this year. I will be establishing one sentinel plot at the REC near Georgetown, DE. With our past history, the presence of scouting to our south and the availability of soybean information on the ipmPIPE website, I think we will be able to respond in a timely fashion if rust should become a threat in 2010. If the situation should change later in the season, soybean production fields can and will be monitored as part of my Extension responsibilities.

Just to clarify, the Soybean Rust ipmPIPE website will continue to operate and information for the US will continue to be posted for everyone to see. Delaware will be posting information on the national site for our growers as well as communicating to you through Weekly Crop Update. We will be operating one soybean sentinel plot in 2010. The soybean aphid monitoring program is being retired and will not be available in 2010.