New Insecticide/Label Update

Joanne Whalen, Extension IPM Specialist;

Coragen (DuPont)
You may have heard that this new insecticide recently received a federal label. The new active ingredient is rynaxypyr which is very effective on “worm” pests. Coragen is labeled on a number of vegetable crops (Altacor will be the trade name for the same product used in the fruit tree market). The label has not been posted to CDMS or the DuPont website as of this date. I have been told by Dave Pyne at the DDA that they just received the registration package from DuPont. Once we have copies of the federal and state labels we will provide the links.

Hero (FMC)
This insecticide is a combination of zeta -cypermethrin and bifenthrin. It recently received a federal and state label on soybeans and root and tuber crops. Please be sure to read the label for restrictions including rates and time allowed between applications. On soybeans, the label states do not make applications less than 30 days apart. (

Warrior II (Syngenta)
There will be a new formulation of Warrior in the market place called Warrior II. This new formulation is twice as active (2.08 lbs of active ingredient per gallon) as the old Warrior (1.04 lb of active ingredient per gallon) so be sure to read the label for the correct rates as well as restrictions. ( The new formulation (Warrior II) was shipped to the marketplace this week and by the middle of June the transition will be complete. So, in the interim, there will be both formulations in the marketplace.