2010 Fungicide Update for Vegetables

Bob Mulrooney, Extension Plant Pathologist; bobmul@udel.edu

There are some new additions and a few deletions:

Folicur 3.6F has been added for the control of common bean rust on snap beans. The section on soybean rust on snap and limas beans was removed. This disease has not developed on any other host other than soybeans and kudzu. At this time it is not a threat to snap and lima bean production. Omega 500F is labeled on snap and lima beans for white mold control. It also has good activity on downy mildew on limas. Hopefully by application time there will be a 2(ee) registration for downy mildew as well.

Cucumber, Cantaloupe, Pumpkin, Winter Squash and Watermelon
Switch and Folicur (tebuconazole) have been added for gummy stem blight control. The fungus that causes gummy stem blight has developed resistance to Pristine in South Carolina and may be occurring here. The addition of these two products is very important to control this important disease. Folicur has also been added to these crops and summer squash for powdery mildew control in addition to the other two triazole fungicides Rally and Procure.

Chlorothalonil (Bravo) has been labeled to replace maneb which is no longer being manufactured for anthracnose fruit rot control.

Sweet Corn
Maneb is no longer being manufactured for use on sweet corn.

Revus Top was added this year for control of leaf spots and late blight. Scala is labeled for early blight and gray mold control in the field as well as in the greenhouse and high tunnels.

Tanos was added for early blight control. Revus and Revus Top were added for late blight control.

Maneb is no longer being made but existing stocks can be used until maneb is gone.