New Web Resources for the Vegetable and Fruit Industries in Delaware

Gordon Johnson, Extension Fruit & Vegetable Specialist;

As many of you know, I maintained an agricultural blog on the web when I was a county agent in Kent County, Delaware. The blog became an important resource for up-to-date information for growers and crop advisors in mid-state ( In my new position as Vegetable and Fruit Specialist for University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, I will no longer be updating that blog on a regular basis, although it will remain up as a resource.

However, I have started a new blog specifically for the vegetable and fruit program. It is at I will be making daily posts to this site so check it out on a regular basis.

Another great resource will be the website of the Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association of Delaware. It is at Click on the Blog/News tab for current updates and news of importance to the vegetable and fruit industry in Delaware.

Of course, don’t forget our existing UD vegetable program webpage at You will find variety trial results, links to publications, vegetable budgets, and other resources there.