2009 WREC Pumpkin and Sweet Corn Twilight Meeting

Tuesday, September 22, 2009     4:30-7:00 p.m.
Wye Research and Education Center
211 Farm Lane, Queenstown, MD
(signs will be posted)

Please join University of Maryland Specialists Jerry Brust, Bryan Butler, Galen Dively, and Mike Newell for review and discussion of current field research and grower concerns. Participants can view a replicated trial of 30 pumpkin varieties, plus see and taste 7 “Bt” sweet corn varieties.

A light dinner fare will be provided. No pre-registration is required.

For additional information, contact Mike Newell @ mnewell@umd.edu or (410) 827-7388; http://www.wrec.umd.edu.

If special assistance is required to attend this meeting, please contact Debby Dant @ (410) 827-8056 by September 15, 2009.