Succession Planning Workshops: Investing in Your Farm’s Future

Online, Thursdays, August 6, 13, 20, 27, 2020   6:00-7:30 p.m.

Each year, the average age of principal farm operators continues to get just a little bit older. Many of these principal operators may not have developed a retirement plan, considered how to handle health care issues as they age, developed a succession plan, or even developed an estate plan. Join specialists from the University of Delaware Extension and the University of Maryland Extension as they help prepare you for this process.

A four-part series for farm families planning for the next generation.

Session 1: Introduction of the topics and retirement planning.

Session 2: Health insurance in later years.

Session 3: Business planning and communications.

Session 4: Legal topics, planning tools, and finding the right team.

More information and registration is available here: