FINPACK Financial Analysis

Laurie Wolinski, Extension Agent;

What is FINPACK? A software package, developed by the University of Minnesota, that helps producers see an in-depth financial picture of their farm. With FINPACK farm families can easily consider the financial feasibility of protentional production alternatives or farm expansion to make informed management decisions.

Laurie Wolinski of U of DE Extension has the software and is available to consult about creating a confidential file for your farm. The initial data input requires a time commitment, depending on how accessible the farm records are. Once all the data is entered, detailed reports are available to review and keep for your own decision making, to share with your family members or lender.

This is a busy time for production agriculture. Keep FINPACK in mind as you work the crops this season and consider potential alternatives. If you’d like to learn more or schedule a time to consult, please email Laurie Wolinski –